View Profile P2025

P2025's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 5 (From 2 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 50 Points

Bob's Boss Rush scratch Fusion Edition

Medals Earned: 1/5 (25/150 points)

Defeat the beetle boss 25 Points

You defeated the first! Good job, keep going!

Defeat razer sharp dragon 25 Points

Great job! You're doing great!

Defeat Yosador 50 Points

Amazing! Two more to go!

Defeat bird spiney 50 Points

LET'S GO! One more to go! Now go for it!

Defeat the final boss 0 Points

Congratulations! You got what you got back!

Runner Coin

Medals Earned: 4/7 (25/200 points)

First Coin 5 Points

you unlocked first coin

500 Coins 5 Points

your score is 500

1000 Coins 10 Points

your score is 1000

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

2500 Coins 25 Points

your score is 2500

5000 Coins 50 Points

your score is 5000

10000 Coins 100 Points

your score is 10000